蒸蒸日上迎新跑融合了獨特的城市地標(biāo),依托上汽國際賽車場(簡稱“上賽場”)的 F1 賽道,在新年第一天為跑友提供一個完美的“上”字形跑步軌跡,寓意未來蒸蒸日上,吉祥寓意渾然天成。
與同類賽事相比,蒸蒸日上迎新跑還有諸多便利條件,比如空間充分的商貿(mào)區(qū)和賽道現(xiàn)場音響系統(tǒng)等。主辦方利用元旦迎新的傳統(tǒng)契機,采取了多種舉措,如創(chuàng)意獨特的合影造景、誠意滿滿的新年大禮包、手機搖一搖紅包等,為參賽跑友和觀賽親朋營造歡樂酣暢的迎新 Party 氛圍,受到了上海眾多跑友的熱情呼應(yīng)。
除了扎扎實實做好跑友服務(wù)、提供周詳安全保障外,蒸蒸日上還在品牌理念上邁出重要步伐,將“新年決心(New Year Resolution)”的勵志含義注入賽事品牌,倡導(dǎo)參賽者在新年之始為自己設(shè)立一個或幾個“小目標(biāo)”,通過明信片的方式寫給未來的自己,在留下一份蓋有新年首日郵戳的珍貴紀念的同時,幫助跑友將積極進取的自強精神化作努力向上的強大動力,進而養(yǎng)成勇于克服困難的良好習(xí)慣和美好品德,激發(fā)潛能,讓自己變得更加優(yōu)秀。
2015 年新年第一天,首屆蒸蒸日上迎新跑于上海國際賽車場開跑,賽事設(shè)置 12 公里組和 5.4 公里組,8000 名選手圓滿完賽。楊帥和鐘文琰以 37 分 06 秒和 45 分 33 秒的成績獲得 12 公里組男女冠軍。楊帥創(chuàng)下了 16 分 28 秒的最快單圈速度。
2016 年,蒸蒸日上迎新跑讓所有選手用初心定義跑步,用跑步定義新年,用新年定義未來!賽事距離由 12 公里跑升級為 21.6 公里跑。 楊帥和鐘文琰分別以 1:10:19 和 1:28:25 的成績,摘得男女 21.6 公里組冠軍。
2017 年蒸蒸日上迎新跑成為滬上規(guī)模最大的迎新路跑賽事。賽事首次引進配速員,幫助選手們一起用腳步去迎接新的一年。孫樂樂和鄭芝玲分別以 1:10:08 和 1:16:17 的成績獲得 21.6 公里男女組冠軍,也打破了此前男女 21.6 公里組的成績紀錄。
2018 年有來自世界各地的近萬名跑友與適逢建縣 800 周年的嘉定一同以完美的“上”字軌跡翻開未來“蒸蒸日上”的新篇章。李偉和鄭芝玲均以破賽會紀錄的成績勇奪賽事 21.6 公里男女冠軍,李偉以 16 分 13 秒的成績刷新了賽道紀錄。
2019 年蒸蒸日上迎新跑迎來了“五周年”的生日。萬名跑友歡聚上汽國際賽車場,一同奔向 2019 年的第一縷晨光,用雙腳畫出一個飽含吉祥寓意的“上”。最終,首次參賽的王紅偉用時 1 小時 10 分 03 秒,第一個沖過終點,成為了第五屆蒸蒸日上迎新跑的男子組冠軍。李芷萱則以 1 小時 12 分 23 秒的成績奪得女子組冠軍。
2020 年蒸蒸日上迎新跑在原有競速組、健康組和親子組的組別設(shè)置上首創(chuàng)“破 2 精英組”,該組別采取審核抽簽制,并設(shè)置 2 小時關(guān)門門檻。最終經(jīng)過激烈的角逐,王紅偉、張新艷分別以 1 小時 07 分 54 秒和 1 小時 13 分 30 秒的成績勇奪破 2 精英組男、女冠軍。王紅偉不僅實現(xiàn)了賽事的兩連冠,更打破了 21.6 公里的賽會紀錄。同時上海市第三屆市民運動會元旦迎新活動開幕式也在 2020 年蒸蒸日上迎新跑現(xiàn)場隆重舉行。
RUN THE TRACK (RTT) is an annual road running event held on January 1st every year in Shanghai, it is held at the iconic landmark Shanghai International Circuit, which is a motorsport race track, situated in the Jiading District, Shanghai. The circuit is best known as the venue for the annual Formula 1 Chinese Grand Prix. The race consists of 3 categories: 4 Laps Run with total distance 21.6 kilometers, 1 Lap Fun Run of 5.4 kilometers, and 5.4 kilometers of Kids Run. The 6th edition of the Run The Track will take place on January 1, 2020, a new category Elite Run will join this year's race, which runs 4 laps for 21.6 kilometers with a 2-hour cut-off time.
Over the course of its 10-year history, Run The Track has become one of the largest running events in Shanghai with more than ten thousand participants, hundreds of volunteers and thousands of spectators to set their new year resolution, but also celebrate the new year with a good cause, on the first day of every year.
This prestigious race, which has seen unprecedented growth since its first edition, draws runners from 26 provinces and 18 countries each year to take a tour of the landmark Shanghai International Circuit, RTT race start shares the similar way of the iconic start and finish of the Formula 1 Chinese Grand Prix: After all the participants assemble on the starting grid, a light system above the track indicates the start of the race: five red lights are illuminated at intervals of one second; they are all then extinguished simultaneously after an unspecified time (typically less than 3 seconds) to signal the start of the race; Also, a chequered flag will be waved to the winner when he crosses the finish line behind him.
RTT Finish Festival
Runners celebrate RTT finishes in the post-event Finish Festival located outside the circuit. Runners, spectators, and the community are welcome to enjoy the festival, including photo wall, live music, sponsor displays, entertainment and giveaways.
Essential runner services are also located in the Finish Festival, to include Family Link Up, Info and Medical Tent, Massage, Baggage Claim, and Supply Station. Transportation from the Finish Festival includes public parking, metro and taxi service.
RTT Kids Run
The RTT Kids Run is a 5.4KM event held annually with other race categories. Kids age 5 through 12 are eligible to participate in the fun run in the Shanghai International Circuit. Once have completed the run, they can visit the circuit, a festival area with healthy activities and games promoting physical fitness.
The mission of Run The Track is to foster and support high productivity for our Formula 1 and auto racing audience through mental and physical fitness, personal growth, a sense of community, positive values and Family well-being.